Conditions of use



The whole contents of this site  and of the teaching material made available , unless otherwise stated, are the property of DueCi Promotion Srl or of other third parties. No part of this site, no trademark, no contents, logo, graph, picture or sound can be reproduced, retransmitted or used in any other way without the express consent of DueCi  Promotion Srl or of the relevant owners, since this data is protected by copyright. In reference to the teaching texts for ECM formation, these may be downloaded or printed only for personal not commercial use. All rights reserved.

Nothing contained herein may be interpreted as conferring, implicitly or otherwise, any license and or related right to patents and/or names and/or  trademarks of DueCi Promotion Srl or of any third party. Any product, process or technology in this document and/or site may be subject to other rights to  the intellectual property of third parties and cannot, therefore, be licensed out.


L'accesso al sito è soggetto alla normativa vigente, con riferimento al diritto d'autore e alle condizioni di seguito indicate quali "Condizioni d’uso". Il servizio che Dueci Promotion Srl offre agli Utenti è un servizio di formazione on-line, in base alle presenti condizioni di utilizzo.

Accessing the website is subject to current regulations, with regard to copyright and to the terms of use shown hereafter as “Terms of Use”. The service offered to Users by DueCi Promotion Srl is one of online formation, on the basis of the current terms of use.

Each user is requested to read carefully the  following terms of use and/or consultation of the website and the teaching material made available. Continuing to use or consult constitutes full acceptance of the said terms by the user.



a. The beneficiaries  of the online formative courses are principally health workers who can access the contents after registration. Access to information regarding medicinal specialities requiring a prescription is reserved, by law, solely to those health workers responsible for prescribing or dispensing.

b.  During the registration procedure, the user will indicate and confirm Username and Password which will then allow him to access the service. The Password is personal and is not to be shared with others. Any different uses are severely forbidden.

c. DueCi Promotion Srl strives to keep personal data strictly private and gives assurances as to the full adoption of all the security measures contemplated in D.lgs. 196/2003 and subsequent modifications.

d. DueCi Promotion Srl allows the user to access the site together with the services indicated. Connection presumes there is correct configuration of the user’s computer and the installation of a suitable Internet browser.

e. In the event of the user violating these regulations and/or the ECM  norms and in the case of a specific request from State authorities, DueCi Promotion Srl could revoke the enrolment and the use of ECM services. In this case the user will no longer be allowed to access the site



The information systems set up on this website acquire some personal data during normal web surfing. Transmission of this data is connected with internet communication protocol and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

Last modified: Friday, 12 February 2021, 3:13 PM